Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blogging around: Connor and Roman

Connor wrote about the health care debate occurring in congress right now.  He said that while we pay more for health care, our health care system is better.  I said:

"I do have strong opinions about this. First, I personally believe that the public option is one of the best things that could happen to America. First, it would decrease the costs of health care for low-income americans. It does this in a few ways. First, it would reduce administrative costs because not only would the people running it be paid less than CEOs and executives, there are also several processes that private plans go through that the public plan wouldn't have to. Second, it would reduce the costs of medicare and medicaid because people would be able to get health care from a more efficient source. Third, it would switch people from getting emergency care in hospitals to getting preventative care with their private doctors. Finally, it would reduce the drain on small businesses because the cost of their health care would go down, which would allow them to compete more effectively in a global market.

Even if our health care is better, that doesn't mean anything if a large chunk of people can't get it. We should make sure people can get health care if they want it."

Roman posted a video of a song, where the video was a display of colors following the rythm and beat of the song.

"Wow. What a cool video. I don't know too much about music, but I was like a 5 year old when watching the colors. I believe you are correct that music and art follow the "real world." It's fascinating that Diácono created a set of rules that would allow the computer to display such tantalizing colors.
I enjoyed watching the colors. The relaxing song was a nice change from the fast-paced, information overload that is the rest of the internet."

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